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A boy and a girl emerged from the water, parting the moonlit surface as they did. Water droplets fell from their bodies, leaving traces on the stone floor. In the silent night, no one was around; only the occasional cry of mountain birds reached them.
“Hey, let go of me!”
Ed’s clothes were soaked and uncomfortable. He wanted to wring the water out of them, but he couldn’t because the child was clinging tightly to his chest.
“You can’t die, Ed!”
Wet, ivory-colored hair stuck to Ed’s cheek.
“Who said anything about dying? Get off me, Murjana, you’re soaking wet!”
“Don’t lie! I saw it, Ed, you were going to jump into the water. You wanted to kill yourself!”
Murjana clung tenaciously to Ed. She seemed to believe that Ed would plunge himself into the water if she let go.
“Is that so? Can’t I just enjoy the view?”
“That wasn’t a sightseeing expression! It was a sad look. I know people who have died with that look.”
“Well, I’m not one of them. Come on, Murjana. Let me go.”
Murjana was a descendant of Vala, and Ed had come to think of her as a niece. Pushing her off him wouldn’t be that hard, but he wasn’t sure he could do it without hurting her.
Ed looked at Murjana’s face. She looked at him with a furrowed brow, trying to hold back tears. Her brown eyes glistened.
Ed felt a prickling sensation in his chest as if thorns were embedded in his skin. He wasn’t used to this. How many people had mourned Bosha’s death? He thought of Ygraine again and wondered whether she had the same look on her face as she watched Bosha die. The thought made his heart ache. If only Bosha had been stronger. Ed shook the thoughts away.
“How could I take my own life? Life is Lutea’s gift. How could I throw it away?”
Murjana burst into tears. Ed frowned.
“Ed, I have become the most accomplished swordsman in the House of Ishtar. I wanted to brag about it to you. I wanted to say it was thanks to you. But if you die, I…”
Murjana sobbed and buried her face on Ed’s chest. He sighed.
Damn it. What is it with me and these kids? I can’t seem to say a thing right to them!
“Didn’t you hear me? I told you I’m not going to die.”
It was all Ed could think to say. The Fox of Kadura didn’t know how to soothe a child.
Murjana gulped and stopped crying, nodding her head against Ed’s chest. But still, she did not let him go.
“My father was sent here to determine the connection between the Le Fay family and the witches. I begged him to let me come.”
Murjana had calmed down enough to finally let Ed go, and they sat side by side as Ed wrung water from his clothes.
Ed turned to look at her, but Murjana looked confused.
“I wanted to give you something.”
“What is it?”
Murjana took a pouch from her waist. A familiar lump—a flat, black mass—caught Ed’s eye.
“I thought you’d miss this. Jerky from the thigh of a Sijian water buffalo, the finest meat. I wrapped it tightly in cloth so it didn’t get wet.”
Though it was a favorite snack from Sijia, Ed actually didn’t like it much. He didn’t like the smell. But when Murjana offered him a piece, he eagerly accepted it. He felt like Murjana was too delicate for him to turn her down. What if she started crying again?
“Thank you, I’ll save it for later to enjoy.”
“Oh, and there was something else.”
Murjana picked up her sword. A broad, crudely curved black sword. It was the sword of the Black Fang mercenaries. For a moment, Ed thought Murjana was challenging him for a duel, but that was not the case.
“This sword. I bought this for you.”
“What? Why?”
Murjana had often bragged that it was the same sword Vala had used, and now she was giving it to Ed.
“As I continue to train the way you have taught me, I have realized that this sword suits you better. I need something lighter. What’s the point of carrying a sword that doesn’t fit me?”
“But you said it’s your pride?”
“That’s right. It is my pride. I cherish it like my life. And now I am handing it to you to do the same.”
Ed thought that if the sword was so precious, Murjana should adapt her body to it. If time allowed, he was willing to teach Murjana swordsmanship. But Murjana just smirked as if reading his thoughts.
“You’re a fool, Edulis.”
“Who are you calling a fool!”
Murjana picked up the sword lying beside Ed. It was a crescent-shaped, slender, curved sword with a white radiance, a gift from Kurzina.
“I’ll take this sword instead. Is that okay?”
“Well, I have nothing else to offer you in return, but what do you mean I’m a fool?”
Murjana didn’t answer him. She swung the sword from side to side, testing its weight, and then she stepped back over to Ed and leaned close to whisper in his ear.
“Ed, if you die, I will die. I will stab myself in the neck with this sword of yours.”
Ed’s eyes widened, and he stared into Murjana’s face. She placed her hand over his.
“Remember that every time you use that sword. When you forsake your life, you are killing me.”
It was the most incomprehensible threat Ed had ever heard.
“I won’t die, okay?”
A sharp clang echoed around the room as Ed struck his sword heavily against the black orb. He was attempting to destroy the Witch’s Eye with Vala’s blade that Murjana had gifted him.
Ed put all his strength into the blow. The sword moved as if it were attached to his body. The sword’s momentum, shrouded in Magick, could have split a mountain.
The orb remained intact.
“If we can break this damn thing, it will all be over!”
Hathor groaned, clutching his head as he watched Ed strike the orb again.
“Father, didn’t the Saint tell you that the orb cannot be broken except by the light of Lutea?” Despite knowing Ed’s identity, Kurzina continued to call him Saint.
“Well, what else can we do? The public is in an uproar, and the King will rebuke me for allowing this to happen. Our situation is dire, Kurzina, can’t you see?”
“Father, no one else can take on this task apart from you. It is a duty only you can fulfill.”
“I know! I know! Lord Bosha. Please lend us your wisdom. The treatment of Ygraine’s descendants is unjust, but if the truth is revealed, the witch won’t leave us in peace!”
Hathor liked to do what others told him. It wasn’t his forte to lead, and he knew it, so he was in such a state of disarray and restlessness. He paced back and forth in the large office, racking his brain.
“So, the King is in cahoots with the witch? But if the truth is revealed, the witch won’t leave us in peace.”
“When is the orb due a sacrifice?”
Ed was staring at the thing, not a mark or scratch on its surface despite his attempts.
“According to the records left by Lord Kindatu, one month from now. It says that by the end of the month, the flesh and blood of six young children must be offered.”
“Do you mean to tell me that our family has been doing that kind of shit all along?”
“Calm down, Kurzina. I don’t want to do that either. Isn’t that why we’re discussing this with Lord Bosha?”
Ed sat at the desk, chin resting in his hands, and thought.
“Lower the tax rate after the Festival of Saints. Half of what it is now would be good, and then lock the gates. Don’t go outside at all.”
“What? What does that have to do with our situation?”
“The witch doesn’t want this regime to be broken, right? So, for now, we have to go along with it. For most people, bread is more important than the truth. Reduce their taxes and provide them with ample bread to keep them distracted.”
“Saint, why are you speaking so harshly of the people?”
Ed ignored Kurzina and continued.
“It’s just a temporary measure, a way to buy time.”
“Without Goddess Lutea, what can you do?”
Ed did not answer, for there was no point in talking to the unbelievers. Everyone in the Le Fay family believed that Granadilla killed Lutea and that she was gone.
But Ed did not believe this.
Ygraine could not have died, leaving her people to suffer. She must be out there somewhere. Just like the moon obscured by the clouds.
“I need information. Tell me everything you know.”
“I don’t know much either, but there is a library only the head of the family can enter. It’s here somewhere.”
Hathor held up a notebook and stared at the bookshelf for a moment, then kicked the bottom of it, causing a secret door to swing open and reveal a hidden passage.
“Here it is! Feel free to use it whenever you need.”
Ed walked down the short passage behind the bookcase, which was at most ten paces long. At the end was another stone door. Ed opened it and gasped.
“What is it?”
Hathor had followed behind Ed and looked over his shoulder. His eyes followed Ed’s gaze to a corner in the room before them without bookshelves.
“Oh, that? It’s just a decoration.”
But it wasn’t just a wall decoration. Ed stepped towards it, his gaze fixed on the incredible sight before him.
It was Ygraine’s spear and sword.
“I don’t want you to follow me in victory or defeat. I want you to be driven by faith and love.”
Ed remembered when he and Ygraine had clashed swords. The long, straight blade was still razor sharp; The Bloodless Holy Sword.
“Lord Bosha? Ed?”
Ed reached for the sword as if mesmerized. As soon as his hand touched it, the sword began to emit white light, bathing the secret library in an ethereal glow. The glow consumed Ed’s body.
Memories flooded through Ed’s mind. On the blackened ground, Ygraine had taken the form of a child. Somehow, Ed recognized her.
“Captain Bosha.”
The childlike Ygraine spoke in a hoarse voice that belied her appearance.
“I’m sorry, Captain Bosha. Please be everyone’s hope.”
The figure flickered like a candle about to go out. She looked lonely. Regret swirled in Ed’s heart. Poor, weak Bosha, why couldn’t he have stayed with her?
“If the chance arises…”
Hearing those words, Ed helped his breath tight. His pupils dilated, and a crimson hue appeared in the whites of his eyes. Tears flowed down his cheeks.
Finally, Ygraine voiced her final words.
“Find me. Please find me.”

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